The genealogical register
Our genealogy register is in a database called My Heritage and it consists of just under 27.000 individuals. We buy the space in the database and therefore we charge a small fee to you who want to take part in the register.
Picture is showing: All pre-school kids make a candel-light every year. One night in november they put out and light them in Vänorsparken in Umeå .
Our family book, written by Alfred Zingmark and published in 1960, is built around Spinnel-Anna, her eldest son Anders Ersson and his 8 children and their descendants up to the year 1959 approximately. There are approximately 6500 people in the book. Anna´s lineage goes back in time to the farmer Nils Larsson, born 1539 – dead 1561.
Today we have a digital family register in My Heritage that contains almost 27000 people. In that register there are also descendants of Spinnel-Anna´s other five children. If you are a descendant of the other children and have submitted information about your family, they are also included. We believe it is one of Sweden’s larger mapped farming families.
Safe handling of your data
Today, we are all careful about who we share our personal information with. Therefore, we would like to point out that we only use your submitted updates to keep our digital family register as complete as possible. That is the only purpose for which we use your data. We are only interested in your date of birth; we do not want your social security number. The updates are important from a genealogy perspective so that we can find our relatives again in the future. You can feel completely secure that we handle your data in the safest possible way.
Tell us about important events in your family
What important events have happened in your family over the past year? Maybe your cousin got a family, your brother had grandchildren or great-grandfather died. If you submit your changes, the register will be more complete and it will be more fun to check it out for you, your family and all other relatives.
The work with the genealogical register is ongoing all the time. As we receive changes in the families from you, we update the database. We hope to reach 27.000 descendants after Spinnel-Anna before the end of the year 2024. In order for us to get there, we are dependent on receiving information from you so that new family members, children, grandchildren, etc. gets registered.
If you have MyHeritage, look for what is registered and something is missing or is wrong, let us know. If you do not have access to the genealogical register, get in touch and we will send you a picture. Please let us know if you have updates in your family and the easiest way to tell us is to send via info@spinnelanna.se
To update the database, we want members to provide information about:
– Date of birth/baptismal records
– Married, date
– Deceased, date
If you prefer you could fill out a digital form on the page Släktregistret, scroll down a bit and you will find the form.
We always want to find more relatives because it is fun to know that we are even more relatives. So if you know someone who wants to become a member or get information about what we do in the association, let us know via email to info@spinnelanna.se
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